Marketing and Advertising Initiatives at Hillel

For the past three years I worked for Hillel at Stanford University, the foundation for Jewish life on campus. As the Jewish student life coordinator my primary responsibilities were creating communities of engagement, empowering student leaders through mentoring and leadership development opportunities, and envisioning and implementing out-of-the-box programmatic initiatives for the Stanford Jewish community.

The marketing requirements for Hillel differ somewhat from the typical four P's. The product we provide is meaningful Jewish experience. The price is students' personal time. To ensure the financial stability of the organization, we must provide a high quality, high impact product for the students to 'consume.' Based upon those experiences, the development/fund raising team can then engage parents, alumni, and community, encouraging them to donate for the sustainability of programmatic initiatives and the sustainability of the organization.

This blog is a forum for me to explore some of my marketing and advertising initiatives. To increase the visual impact of my marketing initiatives, I taught myself Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I supplement many of my case studies with the graphic design work I did to visually highlight the thought processes behind the marketing. Click the images to view them in full size.

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